DLS Dysfunction and Running Injuries

The Deep Longitudinal Sub-system (DLS) Is a group of muscles that work together to help stabilize the foot and pelvis during the gait cycle. Dysfunction of this system can lead to many different running-related injuries such as peroneal tendonitis, hamstrings strains, plantar fasciitis, shin splints, IT-band syndrome, knee pain, sacro-iliac joint dysfunction and even lower back pain. Is YOUR DLS functioning properly? 

Deep Longitudinal Sub-system for Runners

Ohio Mobile Chiropractic provides care for the Westshore communities of Cleveland and the surrounding areas. Our office is located in Westlake, Ohio, Cuyahoga County.

Phone: 440-429-8500
Email: ohiomobilechiropractic@gmail.com


Westlake, Oh Chiropractor


Ohio Mobile Chiropractic

1055 Bradley Road Ste A

Westlake, Oh 44145

Hours of Operation

8am - 6pm, M

9am - 6pm, T

2pm - 7pm, W,

8am - 6pm, Th

8am - 1pm, F