March 22, 2017

"I have numbness in my left arm to my thumb." 

January 24, 2017

I saw something inspiring today and I wanted to share it with you. I hope it inspires you too and keeps you focused forward on your goals! 

March 22, 2017

One of the latest additions to the office, Rocksauce® is a topical pain relieving cream that works by providing incredibly strong heating sensations that last for...

February 04, 2016

Everyone has a story. We've all been down different roads, followed certain paths or blazed our own trails all while being pushed and pulled in a million different directions. Sometimes we're amazed at where we end up and other times we just always knew. Either way, the journey is always worth...

February 24, 2015

"Core stability" is a huge buzzword nowadays in the health and fitness world. From injury rehabilitation to improving athletic performance, attaining your goals will be difficult without properly functioning core stability. Let's take a closer look at what "the core" is, and how it operates to...

January 14, 2017

When it comes to acute injuries that present with moderate to severe swelling, Rocktape® is my "go to" weapon...

January 06, 2015

Health Tip: Do you use a FOAM ROLLER? Do you know why you're using ...

The Diaphragm and Stability

The diaphragm plays a major role in establishing core (lower back, abdominal and pelvic) stabilization by contributing to an increase in intra-abdominal pressure (IAP). Weakness or dysfunction of the diaphragm means REDUCED IAP which leads to poor core stability during movement. This forces your body to develop compensatory movement patterns in order to find stability elsewhere. Unfortunately, this will eventually result in injury to the lumbar spine, hips, or pelvis. Potential for foot, ankle, and knee injury too? You bet! So if you only breathe from your chest, and not your abdomen, you are an injury waiting to happen!

Non-Painful Dysfunction

I often encounter athletes, of all shapes and sizes, and all age ranges, who hit a performance plateau. They're "stuck." It may be a roadblock in competition, or a hurdle they experience during their training. They just can't seem to get past it. Classically, these are cases of Non-Painful Dysfunction. Just because you're not experiencing any pain, doesn't mean that your muscles are functioning properly! The same can be said for "strong" dysfunction.

The Rotator Cuff

The rotator cuff is one of the most commonly injured muscle groups in the body, specifically the Supraspinatus tendon. 

Do You Use A Foam Roller?

Health Tip: Do you use a FOAM ROLLER? Do you know why you're using it? Do you roll over every spot that feels "sore" and "tight?" If so, you may be causing more harm than good, by releasing tissue that is "tight" because it is trying to keep your joints stable. Not all "tight" tissue needs to be released.


Ohio Mobile Chiropractic provides care for the Westshore communities of Cleveland and the surrounding areas. Our office is located in Westlake, Ohio, Cuyahoga County.

Phone: 440-429-8500
Email: ohiomobilechiropractic@gmail.com


Westlake, Oh Chiropractor


Ohio Mobile Chiropractic

1055 Bradley Road Ste A

Westlake, Oh 44145

Hours of Operation

8am - 6pm, M

9am - 6pm, T

2pm - 7pm, W,

8am - 6pm, Th

8am - 1pm, F