Monday Mobility

Monday Mobility 03.06.2017 Feed Your Feet!

Do you "feed" your feet? There's a reason we don't wear gloves on our hands all day every day, and it's the same reason we should be giving our feet a daily opportunity to get more sensory stimulation. Input drives output. 

Monday Mobility 02.27.2017

Today we're going to explore stability of the neck and upper back coupled with basic rotation of the cervical spine. When we're not able to properly stabilize the cervical spine during movement, we are very susceptible to injury. How does YOUR neck feel as you progress through these movements? 

Ohio Mobile Chiropractic provides care for the Westshore communities of Cleveland and the surrounding areas. Our office is located in Westlake, Ohio, Cuyahoga County.

Phone: 440-429-8500


Westlake, Oh Chiropractor


Ohio Mobile Chiropractic

1055 Bradley Road Ste A

Westlake, Oh 44145

Hours of Operation

8am - 6pm, M

9am - 6pm, T

2pm - 7pm, W,

8am - 6pm, Th

8am - 1pm, F